Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thankfulness, Knitting, Crochet and Good Buys

There are so many things today that I'm thankful for, and I don't say it publicly often enough! Today I'm especially thankful for my health. Having several friends, as well a daughter who are fighting cancer makes me realize that the insomnia I'm dealing with is peanuts in comparison. In addition, my friend Bernice is still hospitalized in critical condition, and we have a niece also hospitalized in critical but stable condition.

Two recently completed knitting projects are a sweater for our soon to be born granddaughter. It's the Thistle and Clover pattern by Bonnie Evans. I'm very happy with the result. I have buttons for it, but they're a little brighter than I realized as I didn't have the sweater with me when I chose them. I may decide to choose another button yet.

Also completed are a pair of socks that my friend, Kathleen, knit the foot of on her CSM (circular sock knitting machine) and then mailed them along with a skein of yarn so I could knit the cuffs in whatever pattern I chose. I used the River Rapids pattern and I love the result, they are so comfy. The pattern can be found here. I'm anxious to start another pair, but this time I'll knit the foot portion too. Choosing the yarn will be fun as my stash of sock yarn would make people think I knit a lot of socks. The truth is . . . I'd like to wish I did, and some day I will knit more than I do now.
Currently I'm crocheting a car seat blanket for the granddaughter who is due in late September! It's the Softee Car Seat Pattern from Bernat. It's free to sign up and get their free patterns. The yarn came from a thrift store, but after weighting my yarn I was afraid that I would run short so I picked up a skein of it at Beverly's Crafts. Fortunately it's a Red Heart yarn that is still in production and even though it has a dye lot, the difference doesn't show at all.
Now for the exciting buys . . . at our local Friends of the Library store I found loads of knitting books . . . I picked up several, $145.00 worth for only $29.00!!!! I got the Little Box of Scarves II, as well as the Winter Knits Kit, 99 knit stitches from Leisure Arts, Knitting Pretty, Two Balls or Less, as well as a few I can't think of at the moment, and they're in the other room. At the thrift store I picked up a dozen balls of novelty yarn for scarves and two and a half skeins of baby yarn all for either $5 or $6 dollars. I think my best buy may have been Anne Akers Johnson's Knitting kit for $1.00! It's the book, yarn, a set of knitting needles, a crochet hook, yarn needle and two buttons! We bought a similar book/kit for one of our granddaughters about 4 years ago and paid about $25 for it. There were a couple of extra items in it, but also the needles and crochet hook were missing, but I had a pair of the same needles and an extra crochet hook that I put in. I'll give it to our great niece if she's still interested in knitting. She learned to knit last fall, but has no one to help her unless she comes here. She's old enough to use the instructions in this book if she wants.
7 things I'm thankful for;
my health, grandchildren, good friends, enough to eat, our kitties, my loving hubby and freedom!


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