New project for Scarves From The Heart
We're going to do a new event with St. Joseph's Regional Cancer Center - it's Spa Day! By April 20th we need 75 lace scarves. Wait, wait, don't panic, they don't have to be fancy stitches (though
fancy is fine too)! Here's a picture of my first lace scarf. And as you can see it's not fancy, I used Karabella Lace Mohair, an ultra lace weight yarn and I simply used very large (size 13 or 15 needles) and knit every stitch. The best part was that I got three scarves out of one skein of yarn!Please join us in this project and let's make sure each lady participating will receive a lace scarf.
You've all been terrific support in the past and I'm sure we'll reach this goal!
Life is Good
In spite of a difficult end of the year, I have much to be thankful for.
Five things I'm thankful for today;
1) rain, much needed rain here in California
2) good friends who help to keep my spirits up
3) a loving hubby who puts up with my moods
4) knitting, which soothes me
5) freedom of religion
There are many more things I'm thankful for, but it just helps to put a few of them down in writing.
January was for the most part a rather uneventful month. I did finish some scarves, and started others. The end of January we traveled to Southern California with two of our daughters to go to Disneyland and Lego Land. It only took one day of walking around Disneyland to find out how out of shape both hubby and I have become. By the end of the second day we were both complaining that our calf muscles were screaming in protest. With the tiny steps I was able to manage without pain all I needed was a kimono and white face make up to imitate a geisha.
When we arrived in Anaheim on Friday we went to Disneyland, then on Saturday to Lego Land, and back to Anaheim and Disneyland on Sunday. The girls and their dad made it to Disneyland on Sunday, while I opted for laying in bed to read and rest on Sunday morning. We had a late checkout scheduled from the Disneyland Hotel, and then we were on the road back to the girls.
The weather all three days was beautiful, not a rain cloud in sight! Thankfully, earlier forecasts were wrong.
February has brought more rain, and unlike the coastal areas which have experienced mud slides we are still happy to have more of the wet stuff.
Fibromyalgia flares have kept me down a bit during both Jan/Feb but only for a couple of days at a time. I do more reading this time of year as I don't get out as much. The knitting mysteries are my favorites, but I've also been reading some other fictional works thanks to my good friend Penni who shares her books with me.
Taxes are completed for this year! Hooray! It seems the anticipation of doing them is always worse than the actual task. They are always the chore I put off, but the one I'm happiest about completing.
On my needles . . . the Jacob's Ladder Seaman's Scarf in black for my youngest son. Up next, either completing a lace scarf, or casting on for a hooded scarf. There should be pictures of those in my next post.