Unexplained absence
I wish I could blame my unexplained absence on aliens, but I've had no such exciting adventures, what I've had instead are several minor situations which consumed much of my time and attention. I can't even blame it on knitting, as it too has taken a back seat to life in general. Not that I haven't done any knitting, I just don't seem to have accomplished all that much.In late October my dear father in law was rushed to the hospital after passing out in the shower twice in the same morning. He was observed, a few tests done and he was released. However, his condition wasn't such that he could be on his own and so he came home with us. Mind you, the man is the easiest person in the world to get along with, but adding a person to one's household means changes, no matter how easy going or nice that person is. During his 5-1/2 week stay with us he was outfitted with a pacemaker, which we hope will eliminate the passing out episodes. Beginning walking short distances several times daily seemed to help rebuild his strength also.
On either side of this episode we've had other welcomed family visits from a grandson (who's currently back for another few days - but sound asleep) and a surprise visit from my youngest daughter from Texas.
Also on my mind has been my sister Pam who was told at the beginning of November that she once again has Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It was located in the neck, the same site as the last time. She's now had surgery, which involved placing stents in her neck to administer liquid radiation. The stents have been removed after several treatments and they say they got it all, and that any microscopic cells would be killed by the liquid radiation. I pray that this is true, if you are a praying person please keep Pam in your prayers.
Now, on to the bit of knitting I

Another FO; a scarf for my sister-in-law

OTN: A small blanket for youngest granddaughter to curl up in when she watches tv, a pink scarf for a friend, a purse from the fall issue of Cast On which I may frog, and a small evening bag which only needs finish work. I've started and frogged a couple of scarves, one I'll restart maybe in spring because it's lace weight yarn and only decorative so it can wait. The other scarf I'll wait until I find a pattern suitable to the yarn as my idea didn't work well.
Not all of life has been so dramatic, or sad, our cats have become great friends and play together often. If you're a cat lover you know that this is often no small feat when a new kitten is brought into the home where the resident cat has been Queen of the castle for any length of time. We've had cats in the past who never learned to accept the newcomer. Not so this time, as you can see by this picture of them playing. SweetPea, the calico is quick to make sure she has the upper hand, but is never rough with Max. Of course she has access to go outside when Max becomes too much of a pest, and Max hasn't learned to negotiate the kitty doors.
It's time to say good night and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year!
psss. Please tell Santa I've been a really good girl and I can find room for more yarn! Honest I can!