Sunday, May 13, 2007

Too long away

There isn't a good reason for such a long absence, but there are several reasons. I held off posting in hopes that I could post that the "Scarves From The Heart" web site was up, but several things have delayed it.

There should have also been another scarf donation made, but a busy life, fibro flares and procrastination have all gotten in the way of that. There is a full 80 scarves sitting here waiting for me to have a day when I both feel good enough and have the time to take photos and prepare them for donation.

In other life happenings, my daughter's cancerous tumors are shrinking with a chemo treatment that is making her quite ill, and has some harsh side effects. My sister's cancer has not been responding to treatment lately and not only are the tumors growing, but more appear almost daily. I thank those of you who have held them both, and all of our family, up in prayer and ask that you continue to do so.

On my needles are scarves, and a pair of socks that have been too long ignored. I've discovered that my worst trait when it comes to knitting is setting aside projects when I begin to question my ability to finish them. I guess unfinished is better than a failed project.

Now that I've ordered a CSM (circular sock machine) for knitting socks I'm kind of holding off trying to finish these socks. It will probably be late June, or maybe even July before my NZAK csm arrives as they are made in New Zealand. I became interested in these through an on-line friend who owns several, and after meeting her, and having the opportunity to play with her machines I was hooked. It just happened that my introduction to them happened at a time when I was receiving a nice sized retirement payment that didn't have to be used for living expenses so we (hubby and I) decided that I deserved a retirement gift. Now I'm anxiously awaiting my NZAK Green!

This will make the production of socks for my family much more likely to happen, since I'm very slow at hand knitting and still learning many techniques they have a much better chance of receiving socks made by hand cranking than by hand knitting. I will still hand knit socks, just because I love learning new things.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who have children, either by birth or by love.

Perhaps the next post will be about the web site.


At 5:42 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

I'm glad to see you here. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have your daughter responding to treatment and your sister not so much. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Knitty_Prof said...

You are all in my prayers. My brother just returned from Duke University where he met with a team to evaluate him, so we don't yet know what is next with him. You will get those scarves processed and donated and that will ease your pain, knowing that this is ONE THING you ARE in control of when everything else seems to be raging on and chaotic. My best to you.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger AlisonH said...

All I can add is, what they said. Yes. Good to see you blogging again, meantime, and have a wonderful time with that CSM.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger JD said...

I went to a fiber fest this past weekend and this chick had an ancient sock machine. That was too rock'n. I would so finish more sox if I had one. The older ones are about 1000.00 and you can change out the pegs and stuff.


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