Hydrangeas - more beautiful than the name

These Hydrangea plants have grown on the north side of our home for longer than we have lived here. My father-in-law built the house in 1949-50 and I've been part of the family since 1982, and they've grown here at least that long. There are only two plants here, but three distinct colors. The blue and pink are on the same plant while the purple is on the second plant.
These plants haven't bloomed well for several years, but we had an unusually abundant amount of rain this spring and it apparently was exactly what they needed. Or perhaps they just needed a rest. It seems I recall having dropped some fertilizer samples I was given around the base of them prior to the spring growth and that may also have given them a boost. Whatever it is they are beautiful this year.
It doesn't show particularly well, but if you look at the one to the right you will see the right side has a distinct purple tinge that the left side doesn't have. It is on yet a third plant that grows about 8 to 10 feet away from the others. On the flower below you'll see a similar tendency on a predominately blue flower, with the left side showing a tinge of the pink.
I doubt that this phenomenon is all that uncommon, but it is lovely and I wanted to share it with those of you who share my love of flowers.
Strangely, the bedroom whose window over looks these flowers is decorated with bedding that has hydrangeas (among other flowers) on it. I didn't notice that when I bought the bedding, but my youngest daughter who is very artistic noticed it immediately.
May all your gardens thrive so as to show the beauty God has so richly blessed us with.
The flowers are so beautiful!
absolutely beautiful!
thanks for the advice - Willowpede is over a year old now, and she still argues with me! ;o)
these growing all over the place, the blue and bluish-purple ones. too much lime to have pink ones. shoot. thanks for sharing your lovely photos b/c it was so hot last year none of them grew well at all but dried up :(
these growing all over the place, the blue and bluish-purple ones. too much lime to have pink ones. shoot. thanks for sharing your lovely photos b/c it was so hot last year none of them grew well at all but dried up :(
these are growing all over the place, the blue and bluish-purple ones. too much lime to have pink ones. shoot. thanks for sharing your lovely photos b/c it was so hot last year none of them grew well at all but dried up :(
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