Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bamboozled by Bamboo

Remember the 100% bamboo yarn I mentioned purchasing at Color Me Quilts and More? Before playing with it I asked on KnitTalk for advice from knitters who'd used bamboo, and after much input from them I decided on a lace pattern. Winding this yarn into balls was pure pleasure as the yarn snaked through my fingers onto the ball winder. It has such a pleasant feel I just couldn't wait to cast on with it. For those of you who've heard me bellyaching about my ineptitude with lace patterns, you'll be happy to hear I actually had some success with lace this time around. Unfortunately, after 5 pattern repeats the variegated blue bamboo decided it didn't want to be lace, and off to the frog pond it went. Next up, the Biggle scarf by Louise Fabian Vouk, from the 2008 Pattern a Day calendar, but the blue bamboo didn't like that much either, the gauge wasn't right and it just wasn't a happy marriage. So now it is playing at becoming the "Check" scarf from Belisa Cashmere. It seems to be much happier . . . so wish me luck that this yarn has made up it's mind for the final time.

Also still on the needles, actually waiting in the wings for attention is that Lacy V scarf, as well as the Midnight Mohair scarf. Neither needs many rows to reach completion . . . but the bamboo called and I couldn't resist.

Mother's Day was nice. We visited my DMIL who is on the skilled nursing floor of a local senior facility. She was quite lucid that day, and in spite of her advanced dementia has not lost her sense of humor. Several family members were present when the discussion came up as to Mother's Day and the question was presented "Did you know you're a Mom?" She said yes, and acknowledged that she has three children, and she has grandchildren. When I added that she also has great grandchildren she retorted "You didn't have to go that far!"

Hubby took me to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse restaurant, which I love. I had recently chosen the KnitPicks Harmony knitting needle set as my gift, so that's what I'm using with the bamboo yarn and I'm very happy with them. DD, #4 ordered the larger size tips to complete the set for me. DD's #2 & 3 sent cash for me to choose my own knitting items . . . maybe the lace samplers from KnitPicks. DD#1 is preparing a memory book for me and needs more time to complete it. DS #1 and his family sent a keychain digital picture viewer with pictures of his family and DD#1's family on it. DS #2 called and we talked for over an hour on Friday, and DS #3 is sending new pictures of our 7 month old granddaughter. Mother's day doesn't get any better than that in my opinion!


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