Glad you stopped by . . . I should come here more often myself
It seems one thing and another have kept me from posting lately, a little bit of busy, some knitting, some down time with my fibro and a good dose of procrastination.Speaking of that "P" word (shhhhh, you know procras - I'm not going to say it, I just can't) any way, back in August (face turning crimson red) I received a wonderful gift from a swap partner and I never got a photo of all my goodies posted. So, here is a photo of most of it . . . missing are the Chocolate which disappeared faster than the magician's props, and the Orangesicle soap which has somehow moved out of my reach.

Now, to more current news. I just finished these for my sister-in-law who is the one who always steps up and volunteers to cook Thanksgiving dinner, and asks for little help. Other years I've always taken her a plant that she can put in the ground later, but this year I wanted it to be something for just her. She works in a warehouse but needs her fingers free for typing so these were just the cat's meow! Grrrr! I've tried several times to post a picture and it's just not happening - blogger you're letting me down! Finally several tries later, the photo of the fingerless mittens
Also on the needles lately have been scarves as I'm planning to make another donation to the Sister Mary Pia Cancer Center the middle of December. I think we have 20 scarves ready at this point, plus there is supposed to be a box of 12 shipped to me soon. So, if you're reading this and you donated the last time we'd be thrilled to receive another scarf or two. If you haven't donated before you can email me for more information! As a quick over-view, the scarves can be any color, size, or yarn crocheted or knitted in the pattern of your choice. The only restrictions are that they must be labeled with fabric/yarn content and they must be freshly laundered (to avoid problems with allergies to pets, smoke, dust, etc.) and enclosed in a clean plastic bag such as zip-lock in preparation for shipping. The cancer center is giving the scarves to newly diagnosed patients. I guess you could say, they're receiving a hug with the bad news.
I'm still struggling with a name for the "scarf project". I mentioned one a while back, but haven't been content with it. Maybe I should have a contest . . . I'd love your feedback on the project name. Some of the ideas I've had are "Threads of Hope", "????? Hands, Caring Hearts", and some that escape me now when I'm trying to think of them. Please send your suggestions for a project name. I've tried googling each name I thought of to make sure it isn't already being officially used.
There is a seaman's cap sitting by my recliner that needs only about 6 more rows so I guess I'd best grab a bite to eat and then finish it off as there are two more that need to be knitted.
You're fingerless gloves are a really thoughtful gesture to your sister-in-law.
Thanks for stopping by my site.
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