Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Monday, Monday!

The time was, back when I retired that I thought Monday would be like any other day of the week. I retired in 2001, just over 4 years ago, but still Mondays cause me to want to crawl into my shell.

Today started out lazy as a result of last night's weather not really cooling down thus making it very uncomfortable to sleep. It continued at the grocery store as people dawdled in the middle of aisles, in front of the yogurt, in front of the eggs. It seemed everyone was too hot to hurry, and too many of us were looking for the same or similar items. Mind you I've become quite patient with others, after all I have no place to rush to, and even when I do I usually have more time on my hands than money in my pockets. My only reason for bringing it up was to point out that Monday's don't seem to change all that much just because one reaches the age of being eligible for retirement.

Retirement does give me time to knit more than the average number of hours a working person could spend. Tonight the needles kept me from being bored out of my mind as re-run after re-run of my hubby's favorite shows came on. I finished the last increase row of a spiral scarf I'm making for one of the daughters. She chose Lang's Fox in a mixed color and Filatura Di Crosa's Saint Tropez, color 103, to be held together through out. Pictures will be added soon.

Tomorrow I must get back to the bag I'm making for a "knit exchange". I've tried something I've not done before and I'm not happy with the outcome. I don't think I'll go so far as to frog it, but I need to do some pulling and pushing to get it the way I want it! I've put off working on it for a few days, but can't continue to procrastinate!

The kittens next door are adorable. There are 3 calico, 2 black and white, and one orange tabby whose feet look like they're going to be white. The calico's won't have as much color as ours calico girl, but they'll be adorable anyway.
Meet "SweetPea". We got her as a stray someone advertised in the paper as "black, white, and orange cat needs home!" Knowing full well she would be calico we went to look at her and found her to be very standoffish. Her coat was rather ragged, and she was thin, with a sore on her foot that wasn't healing properly. I'd barely opened my mouth to say "I think we'll pass on her" when my hubby said "We'll take her!" We immediately had her immunized, fixed and put on a quality dry cat food and she's as healthy as can be. Though she suffers with ear mites continually, so if anyone knows any great remedies, my ears are open. She's been with us now for about 5 years and she's a sweet as her name. Though don't rely on the local blue jays for references. They've been giving her a very difficult time these days.

It's nearly morning so I'll head for bed.
Sweet dreams and God Bless you one and all.



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