A picture of progress

The sleeves are a lace pattern which quickly became a problem while trying to knit them at our local S'nB meeting http://tinyurl.com/lo8po because I can't talk and count stitch patterns well. Thus I'm at a point where I need to frog a row or two and re-do them as when I got to the end of the row there weren't enough stitches to complete the pattern.
The Fishermans Shrug from Knit It! is done. Some notes for those of you who would like to make it; the errata is listed at http://tinyurl.com/lb8wu , the drawings are not correct but the pattern is. The L/XL is not truly an xl imho.
Mother's Day was really special. Several of the kids called to chat, and a gift certificate to one of my favorite web sites allowed me to shop without ever leaving home. Though it still allowed for some of the frustrations as the internet went down while I was making my choices and just like in the stores there was more that I wanted to buy than the budget allowed for!
Lunch with hubby's parents, sisters and their hubbies was fun. We went to a small sandwich shop that was always Mom's favorite. No crowds, very casual and really yummy food.
Try this sandwich sometime;
Ham, thinly sliced
apple, thinly sliced
leaf lettuce
dijon mustard & Mayo
wheat or grain bread (or your choice)
It was served with blue corn chips! Delicious! That along with a glass of refreshing ice tea made for a very yummy lunch.
Time to head for the knitting basket . . .
I love this Fisherman's Shrug! It is very classy. I have to try one, too. Lynda
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