Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Just a quick note to offer a huge "Thank You" to all those who have offered to help us meet our Pink Scarf Challenge. There is little doubt in my mind that we will exceed our goal. However, if you've been thinking about joining us, come on and join in, there is no such thing as too many scarves when it comes to comforting cancer patients.

I've changed the settings to hopefully make it easier for you to leave comments (I'm not real technically inclined when it comes to these things).

Thanks also to those who've been stopping by to get the Berry Basket dishcloth pattern. I'm anxious to see some pictures of the ones you all make and will be asking permission to post photos of a few of them!

Well, I'm off to finish the first of the pink scarves. It's about 3/4 done.


  1. Shelly,
    I got your message on my blog about my sock. Nope, not my first. My first sock-knitting experience was about 18 years ago.
    I was reading about your pink scarf challenge. How's that going and do you need more knitters? My youngest sister Carole is going through chemo right now. She just started losing her hair and will have her 2nd treatment this Friday.

  2. Thanks, I sent you a message, but just in case you don't receive it I hope you'll check back here - I'd love for you to knit for the cause!

